Ancestral Shipibo Healing Center

in the Peruvian Amazon

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Master Plant Dieta

with Maestro Jose Lopez Sanchez

Shipibo Rao is a plant-spirit healing center, led by Maestro Jose, that offers traditional healing and apprenticeships master plant dieta. Situated on forty five hectars of land surrounded by some old-growth rainforest, it is home to a rich multitude of medicinal plants, tress and wildlife, all of which we are dedicated to protecting.

Master A Life Of Alligment

We offer a profoundly deep healing work with a master plant or a tree spirit ally. Reaching the roots of trauma, imbalance, disorder and physical illness, this work initiates a journey of self-discovery, and transformation. Establishing a respectful bond with a plant  spirit enable it to share its teachings and wisdom, ensuring its guidance, protection and equipping you with the tools to maintain alignment as you navigate your life journey.  


Our Care

With our team of highly experienced Shipibo healers and dedicated students, we care for you as a family. Our dietas are given with love and personal attention. Our Maestros guide you to the right master plant to support your unique path of healing and growth. They provide daily care, administering plant treatments and offering individual assistance when required.

Our team of experienced facilitators bridges the Shipibo and Western worlds, ensuring a safe and profound encounter with the plant-spirit univers. We guide you to enter the world of the plant-spirit with understanding and offer support to navigate the daily challenges of your healing journey. We help you prepare for your dieta and accompany you during your integration process.

We offer four types of traditional dietas, starting from 2 weeks up to a year.
Group Healing Dieta

From two weeks to a month, include the accompaniment of an experienced western facilitator, the daily care of our healers, a vomitive tea, flower baths, steam baths,  additional plant treatments, guided communion with one master plant, a high number of healing ceremonies, individual consultations, traditional dieta food, integration and post dieta follow up.

Long Healing and Alignment Dieta

From one to four months, these are powerful, highly effective, traditional dietas, only for people with a minimum of 14 days dieta experience who are willing to seriously take responsibility for their self-development and personal transformation. These will help resolve deeply rooted situations, on all levels, with one dieta.

Apprenticeship Dieta

The long healing and alignment dieta can lead to learning dietas, following a sincere calling to heal others. They can last from one month up to a year.

Distance Healing: Surrogate Dietas

As ancestral high level healers traditionally worked on their patients through surrogates before working with them directly,  our Maestros call your soul to the Amazon.  They are then able to works on the imbalances and misalignment in your energetic matrix, and provides deep healing, without the need for you to be physically present in ceremony.  As many are unable to travel at this time and some are unable to make the journey to Peru even under “normal” travel circumstances, Maestro José and his team are now reviving this ancestral practice.

  • “The dieta at Shipibo Rao has been a very unique experience for me.  It allowed me to merge into silence and peace to reach the higher concentration requested to connect with the plants.  It was here that I found back my previous dietas and establish a proper relationship with them.”

    Allessandra Coppola
  • “The impact to me has been profound, beautiful, and continues to unfold.  I have been treated with kind, mindful, and gentle support mentally, physically, and spiritually.”

    Matthew Powell Wickstrom
  • “Learning dietas come with other kind of challenges, I am profoundly grateful for all the preparation, guidance and care I received to enter that world.”

    Anne-Laure Vincke
  • “That place and the maestros made the experience very meaningful for me, and you guys made it feel most comfortable that it could be. I am very grateful to all of you for making it an environment where everything is ok.”


Our healers have many years, sometimes a lifetime of experience working with plant, they are masters of their arts. These are the main situations that the dieta will help you with:

Will support the healing and clearing of:
  • trauma, psychological or emotional blockages
  • ancestral karmic patterns
  • deeply-rooted fears
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • post traumatic disorder
  • addiction
  • long lasting and deeply rooted physical illness
  • heavy dark energies
Will help you to:
  • align to your heart
  • focus the mind
  • clarify and align to your soul path, your mission
  • reconnect to inner-self and intuition
  • awaken creativity
  • learn energy work
  • know and love oneself
  • connect with the earth, the elements and nature
  • re-energize
  • dream

Maestro José

Maestro José is the driving force of our center. He is the son of the legendary Shipibo Onaya (master plant-spirit healer) Maestra Ynes Sànchez Gonzales and  Maestro David Lopèz and a lineage of powerful and well-respected healers dating back hundreds of years.

Having apprenticed extensively first under his paternal grandfather, a Meraya (higest level Shipibo healer), then his uncle and his mother, since the age of seven years old, he received the wisdom of his ancestors, the Shipibo-Conibo cosmovision and sophisticated practices of Shipibo plant-spirit healing.

He honorably bridges the modern world to traditional Amazonian medicine and has healed many hundreds of people locally in various rainforest communities and in Western healing centers in Peru. Maestro Jose, who has a unique ability to communicate his wisdom and tradition, is often invited to speak and teach at various ethnobotanical and multicultural traditional encounters around the world.

Maestro José  assumes his role of service with benevolence and tender strength. His work is offered with love and gratitude for the medicine and plants that guide him.

Our Partnerships

The Way of The Warriors

After a personal experience of intensive healing with indigenous people of South America, a group of veterans has been inspired to develop a healing program focused on the treatment of UK based war vets with PTSD and combat based traumas in collaboration with the best western naturopatic medicine and traditional indigenous healers of Peru and Columbia.

The Way of the Warriors healing program includes a one month ‘master plant’ healing dieta in Peru at Shipibo Rao.

The Temple of the Way of Light

The Temple is located in the Peruvian Amazon and has safely provided traditional healing to over 10,000 participants since 2007. The Temple has become well known and independently recognized as one of the safest, most reputable, and most effective healing centers in the world. 

Maestro Jose and his family are part of the Shipibo healers team leading traditional retreats at the Temple.


Healing Encounters

Healing Encounters is a collaborative space where experts in social sciences, and experts in traditional medicine, work together to give voice to what the Amazonian experts have to say about international  use of plant medicine in the scientific and western world. The discussions on issues of sustainability, equity, social justice and community regeneration are the basis of co-writings of which the open access book: “Trabajar con las plantas que tienen madres. Diálogos con un onanya shipibo” José López Sanchez, Silvia Mesturini Cappo, Emilia Sanabria, editorial Fineo, 2024.

Here free ebook to dowload.
Here free pdf to dowload.


It is with great joy and enthusiasm that we announce the release of the fruit of our collaboration within the project ERC Healing Encounters, the book: “Trabajar con las plantas que tienen madres. Diálogos con un onanya shipibo” José López Sanchez, Silvia Mesturini Cappo, Emilia Sanabria, editorial Fineo, 2024.
What José López Sánchez presents in this book is based on what he has learned and practiced as well as what he wants to defend today regarding his know-how. What he shares with us in the form of dialogues is not a “compendium of his medicine”, but an account of how this medicine is subject to multiple forms of extraction. These dialogues question foreign understandings about the role of plants, what they are or can be, as well as the concoctions prepared with them, and in. The book proposes answers through redesigned words and practices.
Here free ebook to dowload.
Here free pdf to dowload.

For further information or to apply for a Dieta




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