Master Plant Dieta
A master plant dieta has the ability to clear deep-rooted traumas and unhealthy energies held in our bodies and consciousness, but it’s a process which is different from one person to another. The healing happens in layers and it depends on how deeply rooted the issue is.
We say that when the imbalance come as a result of our own actions and/or the trauma comes from our own lifetime, it will more easily be healed. When the imbalance, the illness takes its root in the genealogical line, the process takes more time, because everything that is encountered related to the family and the family members themselves, are being treated.
We can never say how many dietas will be needed to solve an issue, the result depends on the length of your dieta. A two month dieta is usually enough to complete a family work, it will always be more effective than to do four dietas of two weeks time each. Still you will always have to start with a two weeks dieta.
We are open to accepting people with previous psychological conditions, but we would first need to speak with you to get clarity on your medical background, your current situation and your intentions. Maestro Jose follows the wisdom and guidance of the plants, to help each one with their specific situation, so you may receive special plant treatments. We also sometimes reduce or omit the ayahuasca intake of the participant to prevent any psychological backlashes, in that case you would still receive icaros, healing songs, in ceremonies which are equally as powerful with and without ayahuasca.
You can come to receive a treatment which will no be master/teacher plant dieta and you will not be working with ayahuasca. The maestros will be working with other techniques such as saunas, flower bath, the treatment will depend on the diagnosis and expertise of the maestros.
Our maestros have the appropriate knowledge and experience to dominate this kind of situation. It is important that specify it to the maestros during your private consultation with them at the beginning of your dieta.
It’s possible to heal AIDS with a master plant dieta. However, it’s a deep healing process and we do not have at the moment the right infrastructure to accompany this specific healing process, but it will be in the near future. It’s important to first understand what is the root of this illness on an energetic, mental, spiritual and emotional level. Therefor it is anyway best that you first join us in one of our healing retreats abroad to start the cleansing work. To do so, please contact us to be informed of our dates and places.
It depends if our, very basic, infrastructures can accommodate your needs. That’s something that we will need to discuss with you to see what is possible.
Upon registration, you would complete a medical intake which gathers information regarding your current health situation and allows us to assess whether Shipibo Rao will be able to support you during your medicine journey. Without this, we are unable to confirm whether we would be able to accommodate you at the center for a dieta and if your specific condition can allow you to safely work with ayahuasca. Please read our “List of medical contraindications” before applying, and contact us if you have any questions or doubts about it.
When possible, we find it is best for you to eat what is on offer as it has been made with the dieta dietary restrictions in mind and is part of the healing treatment. If you have specific allergies, or any other physical reaction to certain food, please feel free to discuss with us and we will look to find a solution. Sometimes, the Maestros ask the cooks to prepare food for you that you may have known reaction to in order to know how your body reacts to it and be able to heal you. It’s important that in all cases have trust and faith in the process and in the work of the maestros and the plants.
You can diet in the same time as the people you are close to. Still your dietas are personal, we will encourage you to stay focused on your individual process. You will be in tambos away from each other and as well as the sitting in the ceremony to facilitate your concentration.
It depends on each one, but it’s best to be as isolated as possible. If you want to be in silence, it’s even better, but it’s not a problem if you do not want to. Sometimes our maestro declare silence days, usually one at a time, sometimes two, these have to be respected.
In the Shipibo tradition, the path to becoming a skilled space holder of these medicines involves a long period of apprenticeship with a teacher (maestro) and a significant period of time spent in isolation connecting with various master plant during dietas. Consider it a form of medical school. True ayahuasqueros have spent a very long period of time working with ayahuasca themselves and thus healing many of their own issues, this healing continues in the plant dietas which also become a form of learning. The process is different for each one, it depends on how long your dietas are, how often you do them, with which plants, how much healing work you had or still have to do on yourself, whether you are a man or a woman, how disciplined you are, how much fasting you are doing and how well you are doing them. From the moment you will be receiving your teacher’s blessings to share medicine you will be guided into it slowly slowly. The process can last from three to ten years.
The process is different for everyone, and depends on how much time-space you leave between two dietas. When you start the path of the “dietero” (dieter) it’s good to do it with the intention to heal yourself, even if you already know that you do want to learn. Focusing sincerely on your healing is the proper way to approach it. The healing part, can take one, two, three years…that’s your own healing journey that will make you ready for learning and will make you a potential good healer. We can never promise you when you come for healing dietas that you will eventually be able to learn and what you will learn. The authenticity of your call and the alignment with your true path will reveal itself during your healing dieta process. But if you ask maestro Jose he will simply answer “There is no time”.
Medication, Contraindications with dieta, ayahuasca and Safety
♦ For serious illnesses, we will need to dialogue with you to see if a master plant dieta would be beneficial for you. If you have an advanced physical illness with medications that you cannot stop, we cannot receive you for a master plant dieta. If your illness is in its first stages and you are able to stop medications or are not on medication, your state of mind, openness and trust will determine if you can enter a dieta.
♦ If you have a contagious or complicated illness (such as tuberculosis, AIDS…) or disabilities which requires special care, we will have to see if we are able to accommodate you at the center with the proper conditions.
♦ If you have a heart condition, chronic high blood pressure, or tuberculosis and we have agreed that you can do a master plant dieta, you will not be drinking ayahuasca.
♦ Those with diabetes or a hepatic condition must provide detailed information about their condition.
♦ Pregnant women can do a Master Plant Dieta but must not drink ayahuasca. Breath feeding women can drink ayahuasca when your baby has completed 6 month of age.
♦ Please inform us of any history of mental health problems in the present or in the past. It is important that people with diagnosed mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression with psychotic symptoms talk to us about their condition. In some of those cases, such as schizophrenia, you can come to receive a treatment which will no be master/teacher plant dieta and you will not be working with ayahuasca. The maestros will be working with other techniques such as saunas, flower bath, the treatment will depend on the diagnosis and expertise of the maestros.
♦ It is important to suspend any kind of psycho-pharmaceutical and depression treatments 35 days before drinking ayahuasca under the supervision of your doctor !
♦ Once we have agreed that we can receive you, the maestros will be taking care of you in an appropriate and adapted way for you. Which may be, working with ayahuasca or not, or not at the beginning, working with a master plant or receiving other treatments first. The exact way to proceed for you will be decided by the maestros with the diagnostic ceremony at Shipibo Rao.
♦ Reciprocal trust is key to a good dieta process, please contact us before making a reservation to discuss your particular case. We shall consider each of you carefully and with a deep consideration for your well being before letting you know if we can receive you.
PLEASE READ ATTENTIVELY our “Pre- & Post-Dieta” and “Medical guidelines” pages before applying!
The general answer will be no, most certainly for anti-depressant.
PLEASE READ our page “Medical Guidelines” before applying!
Contact us if you have any questions or doubts about it. In some very rare occasions and for medication not on our list, you may have to keep on taking them during your dieta, or at least at the beginning, but that ALWAYS will be decided by the maestro. Most of the time, the plant you will be dieting will take over from your medications or the maestro may give you other dieta friendly plant treatments.
Generally the answer is yes, however some food complements and plants are not compatible with ayahuasca and must not be taken during your pre-dieta. You will find the list our “List of medical contraindications” page. During your dieta, you will most certainly be asked to take only what is offered at the center as food and remedies. If you have to take a treatment that your doctor says you should not stop, please let us know at registration, we will then see what is best. At your arrival the maestros may ask you to stop your treatment so they can work with plant treatment. As always, trust and faith are required. PLEASE READ ATTENTIVELY our “Pre- & Post-Dieta” page as well as our “List of medical contraindications” page before applying.
The most important is to come to a dieta with the trust that everything will be well and that you will be properly taken care of at the center by Maestros who are traditional doctors. It is not oncoming to have physical symptoms coming up during the dieta, they come up for healing. The Maestros ask, if such a situation present itslef, that you remain concentrated in your dieta, trust the process and their expertise.
Yet, to answer your question, there is a hospital in the city of Pucallpa, about 1h30 away by road from our center.
Women, Moon time, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
There is no issue for you with having your moon during the dieta, however the moon energy is very powerful and can shock the other participants. That is why we will ask you to inform your facilitator as soon as your moon time has started, we will then accommodate your meals being served in your tambo (hut) where you will be invited to stay as much as possible during your that period. You will still be coming to the ceremonies and usually drink medicine, to the sharing circle and receive the flower bath. We will go trough all these indications with you at the time.
You can do a master plant dieta if you are pregnant but you will not be drinking ayahuasca.
You can do a master plant dieta if you are breast feeding, but you will not be drinking ayahuasca until your baby is at least 6 month old.
The ceremonies begin at 21:00 and last until approximately 01:00 – 02:00 (approx. 4-5 hours) depending on the size of the group, really there is no exact time. You can stay in the maloka (ceremony space) until the next morning if you wish.
The effects can last anywhere from a few hours to the whole night. The length of time a person feels the effects of ayahuasca varies from person to person and from ceremony to ceremony. Even when the conscious effects have warn off, the medicine continues to work with the body and energetic fields in ways that are not always immediately perceptible. Ayahuasca is a medicine that works far beyond the level of conscious experience.
With the initial work focused on cleansing and purifying your physical body to prepare you for the next stages, one quite reasonable expectation is that you will experience a strong purge (hence the name given to ayahuasca, “La Purga”). The purge is an important part of the ceremony experience, yet not everyone purges in the first ceremonies. The purge usually takes the form of vomiting, but sometimes takes the form of diarrhea. It is an energetic cleansing that will help clear vibrational imprints and emotional blockages as well as physical toxins. Many people purge strongly in their initial ceremony experiences, and move into deeper experiences as these blockages are removed. Other people experience the reverse: they do not purge early on but have cleansing purges in later experiences.
The Icaro is a healing chant, it’s a language of the plants, the medicine and the healing tool of the maestro.
Tobacco is utilized as a sacred and healing plant in the Americas. In many indigenous Amazonian traditions, tobacco (or ‘mapacho’) is considered a Master Plant and is given equal regard and importance as ayahuasca. It is use in the healing and ceremonial context for energetic clearing, freeing negative energies, protection, alignment and grounding. The tobacco used in ceremony is pure tobacco leaf and does not contain any chemical additives.
At Shipibo Rao we focus on the master plant dieta and ceremonies we have here are for dieteros. To provide for them a safe environment only dieteros and our team is present on site during the dieta.
Sometimes dieteros in their post dieta may feel like having another few ceremonies to support their integration process, that is sometimes possible when it is really needed. Recently coming out of a deep cleansing and therefore will no affect the process of our dieteros.
Center & Practical Information
A. What you want to know before you register
Pucallpa’s climate is tropical all year round, the average temperature is 26 ° C, with peaks that can reach 34 ° C on the hottest days.
Between October and February it is the rainy season and average temperatures are 21.5ºC. We advice you to pack water proof clothing. You can buy water boots in Pucallpa or Yarinacocha. Bring warmer clothes for the cooler nights. You can use 100% natural repellent.
Between May and July the temperature can drop to as low as 20 ° C, and 16 ° C in the evenings – we advice you to pack warmer clothes. There are generally more mosquitos during the rainy season. The mosquitoes and rain subside a bit in June-December with hotter temperatures, though thunderstorms are still a common occurrence.
Regardless of when you come, we recommend coming prepared for all conditions as the temperatures/conditions can vary greatly from day to day and week to week and there is no way to predict this.
Please ensure you have lightweight long sleeve shirts and pants and clothes appropriate for the heat during the day, a warm sweater or sweatshirt and warm socks for at night, and rain gear.
The nicest time to come would probably be between april and november.
For precise information about the weather: https://www.accuweather.com/en/pe/pucallpa/261280/weather-forecast/261280 Upon registration we will send you a detailed list of all you need to get prepared to come to visit us.
Our maestros and Peruvian team speak spanish and shipibo. Our facilitation team is able to translate between English and Spanish and some of them in french for any communications with the healers. The facilitator serves as the translator for all group shares and individual consultations.
Our dietas are facilitated by 1 experienced facilitator with the support of ceremony and treatments helpers. The ceremonies are led by a minimum of 2 Shipibo healers, with one experienced facilitator, 1 or 2 helpers, and a maximum of 10 guests for each group. There is always at least one maestro present on site during the whole dieta duration.
Each dietero is given their own tambo (traditional jungle hut) fully protected by mosquito nets. There are no shared tambos. We have 4 shared compost in the center and two showers. We provide you with linens for your bed, a towel and a light blanket. These are changed for you several times during the course of a dieta. Please refer to our “Center” page to view our tambos and center accommodations.
When a space becomes available in a full program, all members of the wait list are notified simultaneously and the space is filled on a first-come first-serve basis. It is difficult for us to say whether a space will open or not – we do occasionally receive last minute cancellations, but it is unpredictable. Just keep an eye on your email for any notifications from us if you join a waitlist.
We do not offer formal volunteer positions, but we are open to it. Please contact us to discuss.
B. What you want to know to prepare once you are registered
Shipibo Rao is located in the Peruvian Amazone of Eastern Peru, Ricardo Palma´hamlet, Yarina Cocha District, Coronel Portillo Province, Department of Ucayali, The closest city is Pucallpa. In order to come to the Center you would need to first get to Pucallpa. We recommend booking your flights for minimum two days before and after the start and end date of your dieta to first allow yourself time to acclimatize to the environment and then allow yourself ample travel time and time to reintegrate into the “mainstream” world once the dieta has ended. **Please do not book flights or make any travel arrangements until your registration and medical information has been reviewed and you have been approved to attend a dieta.** You will be picked up on the first morning of the dieta at a designated pickup location in Pucallpa or Yarina Cocha then travel to the center together with your group from there. The group will be brought back into Pucallpa or Yarina Cocha usually after breakfast the day after the closing ceremony and will arrive in town by early afternoon (usually around 2pm). The price of a dieta includes transportation from the group pickup place in Pucallpa or Yarina Cocha to the Center and transportation back to Pucallpa or Yarina Cocha after your dieta. The price does not include any flights, hotel costs, or transportation to the group pickup on the first morning. You will find more detailed information on how to get to Pucallpa, by plane, bus, river or road on the ” Center ” page of our website.
– A hat, an umbrella or a wide light scarf to cover from the sun. This is a dieta requirement!
– Clothing: simple and comfortable, natural fabric best, for hot and sometimes cooler weather. At least one long sleeved shirt (skin color works better against mosquito) and a pair of trousers for possible walks in the jungle. Walking shoes, slippers or Crocs. Confortable ceremony cloth for warmer and cooler nights.
– A swim suit (bikini or shorts) for the flower and steam bath.
– A rain coat or poncho.
– A re-usable water bottle (can be found in Pucallpa as well).
– A knife, if you want to cut your Mapacho/Tobacco yourself. Always useful for plenty of other uses.
– Travel solar panel to charge your phone or another electrical equipment if needed because there is no electricity on your tambo.
– An alarm clock or a wrist or pocket watch. Sometimes you will need to know the time and set an alarm clock. You can use your phone, but you may also feel like not wanting to interact with it and it may also be difficult to charge it, as there is no electricity in your tamboo and sometimes it can be cloudy to charge on solar panel.
– A torch with a red light option. A head torch (with read and white light) is a very good option! You may also want to have an extra solar torch (spot light) to light up your tambo.
– Good lighters. It may happen that you are allowed to have only one lighter in the plane. The only place we know in Pucallpa that sells good lighter is TABACO & PIPA: Jiron Tacna #589 Pucallpa. Cel: 981.105.644. Close to the plaza de Arma on the pedestrian street).
– Zip locks (to protect some of your items from humidity).
– You can use some 100% natural and organic deodorant or repellent.
– During the Dieta you cannot use shampoo, soap, sun block, nor toothpaste. Interdental brushes are preferables to flussing as fluss usualy are pre-bathed in mentol.
– Natural/organic soft body soap or Marseilles soap for washing your cloth only! (hard to find here).
– A pipe (optional). We have few good pipe maker at the center. It’s best to get your pipe from them rather then from the market as they are tourist pipes rather then dieta pipes.
– Agua Florida and Mapacho Tobaco cigars and/or already cut Tobaco or a « masso » to cut yourself for pipe. You can only use Mapacho Tobacco during your Dieta. (Pucallpa, mercado 2, plant market).
– Rain boots (Pucallpa mercado 2, or Yarina Cocha Market).
– You will be provided with a towel and a blanket at the center.
– You can read, not too much to leave space to receive the teachings of your plant. Choose supporting topics to your Dieta: Spiritual teachings, plant medicine, shamanic and healing journey stories, creativity books… Avoid strong teachings like the Bible, Quran, Torah, A Cours In Miracle…
– You can draw, paint, write, make embroideries, sing, play music, dance, do yoga… Bring what you need for that purpose, you can find quite a lot of art and craft material in Pucallpa and Yarina Cocha.
– Each time dieters leave material and books behind for the next ones or come with things especially to donate to the center. We have a growing library and arts material as well as music instruments.
WEATHER INFO: https://www.accuweather.com/en/pe/pucallpa/261280/weather-forecast/261280
You can wear anything which you feel comfortable. We recommend bringing a set of extra warm clothes as it can get chilly when the energy of the space shifts.
If mosquito are a major concern for you, we would suggest bringing one natural repellent without DEET. DEET is NOT compatible with your master plant dieta during the dieta, before and after is ok. The smell and sensation on the skin of even natural repellent can be disturbing during the Dieta. An excellent alternative is to use a « crema de coca y arnica » , or just coca, or just arnica, the copaiba cream works as well. Applied shortly after a bite it heals it in few minutes a release the hitching, (Pucallpa, mercado 2, plant market). Please also note that the best protection against mosquitoes is staying covered with light-colored long sleeve shirts, pants, and socks. All our tambos, toilets and shower are fully screened, every bed is also covered with a mosquito net for extra protection. The communal areas (dining areas, and ceremony spaces) are partially screened but mosquito repellent spirals are provided by the center and burning in those areas when in use .
There is no electricity at the center, at night you can use candles provided by the center. You will need a head torch (with read and white light), you may also want to have an extra solar torch (spot light) to light up your tambo.
We have solar panels in the workers area but it’s only for staff use. You must bring your own travel solar panel to charge batteries if necessary.
The internet and phone connection is extremely low in the center and only few spots allow reception. While you are in dieta, you cannot use phones for calls, messaging or for internet. You can use them, to take few pictures, for the alarm clock, listen to a bit music.
For your personal items our local staff can provide a laundry service for 10 to 30 soles per person per load depending on the size. If you prefer to do your laundry yourself you can do so, with clear water, or with a natural/organic soft body soap or Marseilles soap for washing your cloth only. You will no find it find in Pucallpa area so it’s best to bring it from your home country. The center takes care of bed your sheets and towels laundry.
Our priority will always be the dieteros still in dieta or new dieteros arriving. A dieta is a sensitive space to be in, and it’s important that they have all the space needed to be as little possible in contact with people not in a dieta process, outside of the needed staff, the facilitator and the maestros.
There could be a possibility leave later, depending on the works we have running. This needs to be previously coordinated. Usually guests are happy to leave the center after a dieta, to get back slowly get back to social life, talk with family, enjoy a relative food diversity and explore all the creativity that is awakened by the dieta.
Vaccines are not required for entry into Peru and there is no contraindication between vaccinations and ayahuasca. Shipibo Rao is not in a position to recommend or not recommend vaccinations. If you would like to consult a list of suggested vaccines you can visit the Center for Disease control website. We offer this for only your information and suggest that you discuss your concerns further with your travel clinic or with your doctor.
Malaria is not common in our area. For those who want to take pharmaceutical anti-malarial medication, Malarone (atovaquone/proguanil) shows no contraindications when taken in conjunction with ayahuasca. Lariam is NOT recommended due to it’s inherent potential neuropsychiatric risks, which may be increased in combination with ayahuasca. Doxycycline is also NOT recommended as a malaria preventative in conjunction with ayahuasca due to potential negative physical interactions. Please note that some antimalarial medications, such as Lariam, have been associated with neuropsychiatric effects — including anxiety, hallucinations, depression, unusual behavior, and suicidal ideation — that might be particularly problematic if you are going to drink ayahuasca.
BANK & CHANGE – Cash machine: Withdrawal limit is usually 400 soles, up to 700 at the BCP bank. There is also a limitation per week and per month, it’s then best to bring cash if you still have to complete a part of your dieta payment. – You can change euros and dollars in Pucallpa, the rate is better than in Europe or at the airport (ask for small notes, 50 or 20, change is hard to get in shops).
– « Elixir » vegetarian. Yarina Cocha.
– « El Paraiso » vegetarian, Pucallpa, Plaza de arma.
ART SHOP IN PUCALLPA – CreArt: Dirrection: Jr. Amazonas #269. Tel: 961 61 81 31` MUSIC
INSTRUMENT SHOP IN PUCALLPA – Pucallpa is a musicien town so you will find plenty of music shops around the mercado 2 area.
TABACO & PIPA If you are looking for good lighters, pipe cleaners, gas for rechargeable lighters…this is the place you are looking for. ( Jiron Tacna #589 Pucallpa. Cel: 981.105.644 ) Very close to the plaza de Arma, on the pedestrian street.
– In front of one of the entries of Yarina food market, a bleu house.
The maestros and the peruvian staff are very fond of smart phones, phones, cloths, solar panels, power bank, computers, head lamp, solar lamp…that you do not use anymore. Any kind of interesting and good tools.
Sometimes people like to leave a tip for the staff, others leave a donation to support the center. How much is entirely up to you, tip seems to go around 100-200 soles. There is no expectation for you to do so, that is entirely up to you.
In all cases we would like to ask you to wait for the end of your dieta before offering your gifts, tips or donation, energetic bound are created through gifts and it’s best for you not to do that during your work. Unless you want to make a personal gift to someone, you can hand it to your facilitator, it will then be shared it fairly with the permanent workers and healers.
The best domestic airlines that specifically fly from Lima to Pucallpa are Peruvian and Star Peru – please note that all Peruvian airlines often run late, so best to give yourself at least 3 hours transit if you are catching an international flight from Lima. These peruvian airlines often allow you to change the time and date of the ticket free of charge up to 24 hours before – please contact the airline to confirm this flexibility.
Other airline flying to Pucallpa are LCP Peru and LATAM.
You can arrive by river from Iquitos to Pucallpa (1021 km); the trip takes 3 – 4 days in the winter, and 6 – 7 days in summer as the river water level can get very low.
Lima – La Oroya – Cerro de Pasco – Huánuco – Tingo Maria – Aguaytía: 840 km (20 hours by bus during the dry season, we do not recommend you to take a bus in the rainy season!).
The following information are for “out of pandemic” conditions, you can still use it as a base. You need to plan according to the current measures. You will find here our latest information for travel during these times.
You have to be in Pucallpa at least one day before the diet, but we recommend that you arrive two or three before if you can, to rest after your journey and to get supplies at the Pucallpa market such as Mapacho tobacco, Agua Florida, and any other personal items you may need. We will give you the info about the meeting point and timing to bring you to the center at the latest the day before your retreat.
We recommend that you spend at least one night in Pucallpa or Yarina Cocha after your Dieta, two or three is best. If you have to fly out on the last day of the retreat, you will need to plan your departure time after 5 or 6 pm.
Here are few places we can recommend with different price range, apart from el Manish all the places we recommend are in Yarina Cocha, which is a town close to Pucallpa, it’s a nice alternative to bigger, busy and noisy Pucallpa, 20 minutes away from the airport, 15 from Pucallpa center. All trips around are done with moto taxi, a very economic jungle taxi, that will bring you pretty much everywhere you want to go. It’s recommended not to take them at night, even more so if you are alone.
– Hotel Manish – A peaceful hotel, only 5 minutes from the airport, it has a beautifully well-kept jungle garden, pool, breakfast included and restaurant, great service. Price: from 200 soles/night ( 45 € ) http://manishhotel.com.pe/es/galeria
– Hotel Gavilanes – A nice hotel, with pool and restaurant, it’s is the located about 10 minutes away from Yarina market. Price: from 150 soles/night ( 34 € ). https://losgavilaneshotel.com/
– Hospedaje El Delfin – Wide open communal kitchen, lounge and garden. In front of ” The Elixir” vegetarian pre- and post- dieta restaurant, 5 minutes walk from Yarina food market, 20-30 minutes from the airport. Price: 30 soles/night ( 7 € ). Fb: «Hospedaje El Delfin Yarinacocha Pucallpa, Perù »
– Hospedaje Los Delfines » next to El Delfin, small very basic cooking spot, slightly nicer rooms then El delfin. Price: 40 soles/night ( 9 € ) Fb:« Hopedaje Los Delfines Ecologico »
– Sol de Mayo Guest House: Lovely wooden hostel, cosy garden, possibility to get pre- and post- Dieta cooked for you, basic kitchen. The wooden walls are not very sound proof but the whole place is enchanting. On the outside of Yarina, 15 minutes away with moto taxi from Yarina center. Price: from 30 or 40 soles/night (7- 9 € ) Fb: « Sol de Mayo Guest House »
You can also find very interesting options on Airbnb!
We have no recommendations for accommodation in Lima, but we advise an Airbnb, hostel or hotel in Barranco or Miraflores district. These areas are safe and the most interesting, with shops, restaurants, and good vibes.
Here is a list of approximate prices and cost of daily life and things you may need. Being able to cook in your hostel is very economic and enables you to take care of you pre- and post-dieta. (note that prices have changed during the last year of crises, so be prepare for the higer).
– Meals In a popular restaurant or in the market: 6 to 12 soles.
– Meals In a more « fancy » one or in a pre- and post- dieta one: 12 to 30 soles.
– A fruit juice: 6 to 12 soles
– Moto taxi trips: Airport to Pucallpa or Yarina Cocha 10 soles, maybe 5 if you stay close to the airport. Yarina Cocha to Pucallpa center 5 soles.
– Tobacco: A pack of 100 Mapacho cigars: 25 soles. (in dieta one pack should be more then enough for 2 weeks) A pack of pre cut Mapacho for your pipe: 10 soles. A Mapacho massa for your pipe, 30 soles. (in dieta you may need one per month if you use only your pipe)
– Agua florida: 7 soles. (one bottle shall be more then enought for a one or 2 month dieta)
– Coca and arnica cream, 5 soles. (one pot per month for everyday use on mosquito bites)
– Rain boots, 20 soles.
– Solar panel 40 to 70 soles.
– Solar camping light, around 30 soles.
-For hostel prices, see the hostel recommendation question.
– Laundry service: 5 soles per person per load (the center takes care of bed sheets and towels).
– If you forgot or need something, a member of the staff can get if for you when they go to town, it may take a few days so the best is that you bring everything you need.
– A pipe: Around 100 soles
– The Shipibo staff and Maestr@s offer some of their embroideries for sale at the end of the Dieta: Bags, altar cloth, necklaces… prices vary from 20 soles to 300, maybe 600 for a very big embroidered cloth.
– Sometimes people like to leave a tip for the staff, others to leave a donation to support the center. If you feel like doing so you can hand it to the Maestro at the end of your Dieta.
Please check the specific requirements for your country online with the Peruvian Embassy to find out if anything is required beforehand or if you may obtain a visa onsite once you have entered Peru.
It’s possible to travel prior to and after your dieta, we simply advise to surround yourself with positive environments, activities, people and have access to vegan-based food.
Perou is a country very rich in diversity and you will not be short on places to visit. We recommend checking Lonely Planet for travel tips and guidance for things to do in this area. We also recommend checking different travel blogs and connecting with people who have visited the area you will be in for insights or suggestions.
Meanwhile hare are some interesting suggestions:
The Sacred Valley region (Cusco, Machu Picchu) have a diverse range of dieta-friendly food options. If you are interested in doing the Inca trail and Machu Pichu before or after the post dieta, we highly recommend Alpaca Tours who provide very good ayahuasca/dieta friendly food. They are very well organized and offer great tours.
There is not a lot to do around Pucallpa area but here are some nice little trips you can do:
– Boat trips from a few hours to a day on the Yarina Cocha lake with possible stops in the indigenous communities (we do not recommend that you visit indigenous communities after your dieta, it is best before).
– Contamana and Agua Caliente: Little town and national park with tropical birds, a wide variety of plants and flowers, hot natural water, volcano. One day on slow boat from Pucallpa (60 soles one way), 6 hours on speed boat (100 soles one way), 10 minutes by plane (150 soles one way).
– Tarapoto: a very beautifull region of the Amazone, it’s a longer trip.
Financial Agreements
14 days Master Plant Dieta: 2000 $
1 month Master Plant Dieta: 3500 $
At this time, the Center is still in its creation process with new facilities that still have to be built, medicinal plants that need to be planted, a permaculture garden and fish farm to be created, solar panels to be installed … and most of the revenues are being directly reinvested in the Center to support this growth. These revenues are also critically important to support all the workers as well as to fund projects which are part of Shipibo Rao’s mission; voluntary healing works for the planet done by our maestros, reforestation and protection of the forest and medicinal plants and the creation of a healing school for Shipibo children. For this reason we are unable to offer any discounts or special payment exceptions at this time.
THE PRICE OF THE DIETA INCLUDES: – application and registration process – transportation from the group pickup place in Pucallpa or Yarina Cocha to the Center and transportation back to Pucallpa or Yarina Cocha after your dieta. – accommodation and dieta food at the center. – ayahuasca ceremonies during your dieta – intake and diet of master plants supervised by the maestros – all the treatments required and indicated by the maestros for your healing during your dieta (plant treatments, steam bath, flower bath, massages…) – a facilitator / translator who speaks English, Spanish and possibly French, present during your dieta process, its assistance and personal conversation to support your process – individual tambo or individual room in a shared tambo – a guided walk in the jungle if and when the weather and your process allows it – candles, matches, anti-mosquito spirals, toilet paper – distance supervision in ceremony from the maestros during your post-dieta away from the center THE PRICE OF THE DIETA DOES NOT INCLUDES: – flights, nationals or internationals, – cost and/or associated commission of money transfer for the booking payment – travel and health insurances – personal expenses (including agua florida, tobacco … for your dieta) – hostel and food outside of the center
– A 50% deposit or full retreat fee is required to confirm your reservation. Payment in installments is for your convenience only. It is possible to pay the retreat cost in one full amount, if you prefer. The bank fee for payment must be included in your transfer. – The deposit must be paid 6 weeks in advanced and the rest of the full amount at your arrival at the center. – Please DO NOT book flights until we have confirmed your booking. We are not liable for any flight costs that are incurred before your booking has been confirmed. – We cannot confirm a booking until your application has been reviewed and approved by our staff AND we have received a deposit.
Please note that we rely heavily on the retreats fees to found the reforestation and healing school for indigenous children projects as well as to sustain our center and our workers salaries, which makes the following cancellation policy necessary. – Upon cancellation, payments are only refundable or transferrable to a alternate dieta start date provided we have AT LEAST 4 weeks notice. – For cancellation made less than 4 weeks before the retreat start date, we will only be able to refund your payment or credit it to a future date if we can fill your place in the retreat. We will try our best to do so. – Any refunds given will incur a USD 150.-administration fee. – We cannot refund any part of your payment after you have started your dieta. – We strongly recommend that you take out adequate travel insurance for any cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances. Squaremouth is an insurance service we can suggest that can cover not only retreat costs but also possible airfare costs.
Your tuition money helps us to sustain our center and our workers salaries as well as to fund the reforestation, the healing school for indigenous children projects and many more projects and works in creation, at the service of humanity’s and the Earth’s well-being .
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